The Serious Improvisational Pianist and the Angry, Murderous Nerves of Hard Rap Artists
“Why do people go see the works of artists, or, in the performing arts, go see the artists perform?”
“To experience the hype and the fanfare, and, on a lower note, to imagine having sex with the artist.”
“So if our author wants an audience, he needs hype, fanfare, and sex appeal?”
“Yes, yes, and most definitely yes.”
“Hahaha… so our author better start exercising a little bit more if he wants that sex appeal…”
“Just a little… though women are also attracted to financial equanimity. So why did you ask?”
“It fascinates me how people are willing to go to concerts, and, on related notes, movies, plays, and art exhibitions, and pay to go, no less…”
“The hype and fanfare answers those questions, along with the sex appeal.”
“Not the art itself?”
“That is the least of it, unfortunately.”
“What about critical reviews?”
“That is part of the hype.”
“So what makes serious art?”
“What the artist has put himself through to get where he is. that is what the audience will experience, through the serious art, of course.”
“So what the artist has experienced in life, which affects his artistic decisions?”
“Has our author done that?”
“In spades. Do you know what our author has a mind to do?”
“Create soothing, timeless piano pieces for hard rap artists.”
“What would his point be?”
“To soothe murderous, angry nerves with nerves that have been angry and murderous, but also which know the value of soothing art, and can create it.”
“So that is what it will do to the music?”
“Yes. It will be soothing music, but with a relatable hard edge, and connecting the two, which makes soothing the hard nerves possible, since rappers will perceived the hard edge, and as being ‘real’ and not academically contrived, since his music is real and not academically contrived.”
“Reflective of real life experiences and sensibilities.”
“In the minute artistic decisions made. In music, from moment to moment. I had A.I. generate some images of what our author envisions…”
“What do you think the rappers are thinking?”
“The are thinking, ‘That is a lot of mind, and that is a lot of emotion’, and that they’ve never heard anything like it, and that it is way up there in the artistic stratosphere.”
“So his playing will sooth their angry nerves and murderous thoughts?”
“And make them pause to ponder where their minds have been in life. They will relate to the music since he plays with an angry edge, which he then transitions into peaceful passages.”
“He can do that? Go from angry to soothing?”
“He has developed a wide range of expression on the keyboard over a lifetime, and yes, it takes that long. Otherwise, you are academically faking it, and it will sound bad, if not obviously lame.”
“Like the music of right-handers?”
“I wasn’t going to go there! But yes, though it is really not about handedness, but placing too much weight on the wrong brain hemisphere when engaging in art, especially when creating it.”
“So even a right-hander can be trained to use the right brain hemisphere more when dealing with art…”
“You are more ‘right’ than you think…”
“Further, coupled with his philosophy, the music should permanently straighten-out their unfortunately twisted minds, twisted due to the clueless world that they were born into and the crap mentalities that they’ve adopted.”
“So he will not only offer soothing, timeless music, but a new philosophy to live by?”
“What makes the music timeless?”
“He copied no one, so the music is not polluted by prior shallow, deficient mindsets or trite, contrived styles. It is original in its mindframe and in its approach, and it is deep in its emotions, which are also wide-ranging. He reaches where no one has gone before in musical expression, and he takes the listeners there. Also, since his style is new, they can call it their own.”
“So it is serious music…”
“Yes. He will try to train others in it…”
“But won’t that take a lifetime?”
“Maybe, but at least they will know which direction to go in, and remember, we are talking about serious art, not popular schlock where hype, fanfare, and sex appeal reign supreme.”
“You can see that the music is just a vehicle for his thoughts and emotions, which the rappers are picking up on through the music…”
“So they are not concerned about his haircut or his clothes or his bling or his tattoos or his teeth or his muscle mass?”
“Nor his Rolex watch or his six thousand carat ring or his Gucci shoes and accessories…”
“They will actually be caught-up in the art proper…”
“Yes. Serious art will do that.”
“Elevate your mind. Pick it up out of the gutter that it was born into.”
“In the ghetto?”
“On the entire fucking clueless planet.”
“Why the anger?”
“Because it is a glaring mistake. A major misperception that the ghetto has anything to do with cluelessness. You will find cluelessness, as defined by our philosophy, in affluent neighborhoods and in mansions and castles.”
“What about on super yachts?”
“And in gleaming speedboats.”
“On Lear jets?”
“And everywhere from opium dens to corporate board rooms.”
“At the race tracks and casinos?”
“And at the liquor store, which, by the way, serves as an escape from the world’s cluelessness.”
“For drunks or for connoisseurs?”
“Both, each in their own way. It is all escapism, one merely being more affected and snobbish than the other.”
“You mean escape it rather than fix it…”
“Correct, and since people have no clue as to how to fix it, they scream at it.”
“As in rap music.”
“The hard rap music, yes. There is a surprising variety in rap music, if you look into it. It is not all hard or gangster…”
“Does cluelessness exist on the private islands of the super-rich?”
“And in the ghettos, yes. Continued Universal Human Cluelessness, for example, spans all classes and races and age groups and fashions and cultures and civilizations.”.
“And all current and past mindsets?”
“Yes. Our philosophy holds that human-level consciousness is driven by mindsets rather than by animal-level instincts, and it is at the level of the mindset that they need to be corrected.”
“Otherwise, species suicide, and, if they do not improve, good riddance.”
“Do you think that they will understand his music?”
“They will relate to it, and they will respect it, since it is not about hype or fanfare or sex appeal or cheap money or spotlight-seeking.”
“So they will not have heard anything like it before?”
“No. They will call it their own. It will also cause them to search their own souls, meaning, philosophically speaking, their ‘core’, where their core philosophy resides, and everyone at the human level of consciousness has one, whether they know it or not. It is what they weigh all of their human-level decisions against.”
“What is this?”
“That is when he has trained others in his deep playing.”
“The rappers will appreciate that he gave them fuckable bitches as well as someone trained in high artistry…”
“They will also appreciate that our philosophy un-fucks their minds concerning women and families…”
“But even without the fuckable bitches, the music will hit them deep, at their core?”
“What if it doesn’t?”
“There will always be complete idiots, more bent on emulating fools than anything else. We cannot change them. At best, the music will be a life-changing experience for the rappers, and hopefully not just for the more intelligent individuals…”
“You should say ‘peeps’.”
“No, I shouldn’t.”
“The word is a fleeting fashion among juvenile minds, which will pass. In words, as in music, we need to be as timeless as possible, which also applies to our philosophy, and critically.”
“So if they’re doped up, that is OK?”
“Yes, because the music is just as much raw emotion as deep thinking… and the raw emotional aspect should be therapeutic, which is really the whole point of it — soothing those angry nerves as well as those murderous thoughts. I would, however, prefer them not to be addicted to any drug, though enlightenment overcomes addictions, since to know a problem is to be able to deal with it, and with cluelessness finally overcome, they will not have anything horrible to escape from.”
“And, who knows, they may even experience a sense of wonder…”
“Would our author have exotic aromas about him?”
“That would definitely add to the wonder of the experience…”
“They would be thinking about impressing fuckable bitches with the aromas, I hate to say…”
“Our philosophy will get them to think beyond that juvenile mindframe.”
“So the music is for all cultures…”
“Yes, since it draws from no culture, it is more fundamental than that, and it is totally new. He is not posing as any previous artist or merely copying a previous style. Like his philosophy, it is totally new, and he keeps it real.”
“True to natural emotions and thoughts.”
“Nothing more to say?”
“The music has plenty to say.”
“The rappers will test its authenticity…”
“And it will pass the test.”
“And on many levels…”
“So the rappers will have a sense of owning the music, since it is so new, as if it were created for them alone?”
“I think they will connect with the universality of it… but yes, they will feel like the original owners…”
“So… our author’s playing does not sound like anyone else’s playing…”
“No. No one else has gone as far as him, expressively speaking.”
“Will they get a sense of being one with the cosmos?”
“Coupled with the philosophy’s guidance, they will certainly know their places in it.”
“As the universe’s supreme problem solvers.”
“As far as we know…”
“That is the best that we can do. All other views are annoying speculative and mystical bullshit.”
“Mainly mindsets, which affect attitudes, which are derived from values, which is what a philosophy gives them. Ours gives them the Ultimate Value of Life and Existence, which will affect their attitudes toward everything.”
“Attitudes which affect their deliberations?”
“Which affect their decisions.”
“Which determine their actions?”
“Which finally defines what type of person they are.”
“Do you think that they will follow all of that reasoning?”
“Coupled with timeless, soothing music, perhaps. It will put them in the mood to think more deeply. They will also get a sense of what matters…”
“But they will still keep their bling…”
“Yes, since that is a part of their history, symbols of when they were clueless beings struggling in a clueless world, nearly going mad with angry nerves and murderous thoughts… it reminds me of a gang member who said that he wanted to kill just one more person then retire. Our philosophy would prevent that primal urge with higher thinking.”
“So our author would not mind if the rappers smoked dope while listening?”
“I think that would enhance the experience, and the soothingness, unless…”
“Unless you get bad dope that grates on your nerves! Our author has experienced that with bad weed. In fact, if he ever performs live, he may only do it in states that have legalized marijuana…”
“Does he have any piano improvisations in mind as recordings?”
“Most improvisations from the C-Mush series will do. Here are a few recent samples…”
2024 Piano — DthemeCBminF — Hard Echo
2024 Piano — Polytonal AmonGGonF
“You’re right. The music is soothing, yet with a hard edge…”
“Which begins with the hard edge and takes them to the soothing…”
“By facilitating the expending of pent-up anger by presenting the hard edges… they can punch their fists in utter futility as the music punches its artistic fists, thereby allowing the rappers to expend energy, leading to a more soothing disposition.”
“Has our author received any hype and fanfare?”
“If he did, he wouldn’t know. He does not create for hype or surround himself with fanfare. When he thinks that he is receiving positive responses somewhere, he does not go and investigate, since that is not what he creates for.”
“What does he create for?”
“For deeper effect. He did ask artificial intelligence about his work once, and it gave him good critical reviews, on his music and his writing, and especially on his poetry. Though, on his philosophy, the A.I. had reservations, since his philosophy was not popular yet, or widely known or discussed.”
“The A.I. could not judge for itself?”
“No. That is when we discovered that Large Language Models do not think, they merely cut, synthesize, and paste. Since our philosophy was not widely discussed, it could not find anything to cut and synthesize from, which people mistake for its ‘thinking’. It is not thinking, let alone original thinking. One time it drew from vicious gossip from a juvenile troll, for crying out loud, with British spelling.”
“Why is that an issue?”
“Because Brits HATE hubris, which our author has fun with, since he knows that his philosophy is correct, which drives them into a blind rage as they try to stamp his hubris out.”
“So they fail to understand our philosophy due to their blind rage…”
“Correct. They dismiss it due to our author’s hubris.”
“Define ‘hubris’, and let’s see if it really applies…”
“Hubris is exaggerated pride or self-confidence.”
“Then it does not apply, since there is nothing exaggerated about the correctness of our philosophy. The protestors are only blindly applying the term, not having made the effort to understand our philosophy.”
“Does our author’s wife support him?”
“No. She does not like him ‘sitting around writing stories’, or idly playing the piano, or working on his crazy philosophy. She wants him to be at her beck and call, entertaining her petty, childish, spoiled, and foolish desires, mainly those that enable her to obnoxiously strut around and brag.”
“So he frustrates her?”
“What do you mean?”
“Being the starving obscure, even disparaged, philosopher/artist who does not earn any income from it that she can spend on vain things and whom she cannot brag about!”
“Yes. It is his revenge on the evil bitch!”
“Hahaha… was she like that when they were dating?”
“Then why did he marry her?”
“Precisely for that challenge. Love was too smarmy for him. At least he is a nice ‘catch’ for her, though he does prevent her from realizing her desire to be an admired independent woman, like one of her aunts had been, whom she said had a nice house and a nice car all on her own after she left her dreg of a husband, life decisions that his wife wanted to emulate. So she is trying hard to ‘lose’ our author so she can be like her aunt was, an admired independent woman.”
“So she’s tried one thousand ways to drive a husband away?”
“And then some.”
“So why didn’t he leave her?”
“Because she deserved him!”
“Hahaha… so he married her because she was nasty and miserable, and he knew that he was not going to be commercially successful, which would drive her mad…”
“He needed opposition, not support.”
“And his revenge is to frustrate her clueless, obnoxious ambitions…”
“Yes. Being a poor artist is hard on a spouse. If the spouse is selfish, petty, and evil, you have no regrets!”
“So he cannot talk to her about his music, writing, or philosophy?”
“No. She will not listen, and she will immediately change the subject, usually to herself and something in her small, usually insane, world.”
“Any examples?”
“Like how horrible her family is, or her terrible childhood, or how many Candy Crunch games she won that week or what new Pokemon she caught, or worse…”
“Or worse?”
“Always trying to start an argument where she is trying to make you into a sucker who believes her lies, arguments which he has learned to bypass.”
“So there is a skill learned…”
“He has learned many skills that are needed when dealing with lowlife’s, and the lessons did not come easily. He had to marry the problem. Wake up to it every morning.”
“And go to bed with it every night?”
“No, they sleep in separate rooms. She is too disgusting and inconsiderate.”
“Further, she will sit on her fat ass making like a supervisor and giving suggestions on work for him to do around the house, many things that she could do herself, or criticizing what he does, especially behind his back, smearing his reputation, or even worse…”
“What could be worse?”
“Blaming him for the evil things that she did.”
“Like what?”
“Well, when they were dating, he visited her at her apartment. It was a mess. It looked like she held a confetti party. He asked her about the mess, and she said, ‘It is your mess.’”
“Was she kidding?”
“No, she was gaslighting. She learned it as a kid. She once drew on a dresser. She blamed it on her younger brother and it worked. He got in trouble. He even wondered if he really did do it.”
“And he married that?”
“What? A human abomination? Yes. Remember, he needed the challenge, not the love.”
“He should have said, ‘Thank you for showing me your true colors. I don’t like them. Bye.”
“She had far too many serious faults, so that would have only been one. In fact, she was a rare gold mine in human failings and deplorable faults. How could he pass that up? In public, for example, she is horrid and rude and nasty.”
“At our level of thinking, she has a twisted mindset that values those behaviors, which cluelessly punishes a clueless world.”
“Do you think he will ever leave her and marry for happiness?”
“Wouldn’t that be nice… but in a clueless world, happiness is attacked and destroyed, so no. The world would have to be enlightened first… and I think that is a wrap for our story. Any parting thoughts?”
“I hope the soothing music for hard rappers idea takes off. Heaven knows they need a little bit of genuine ‘soothing’, as well as enlightenment, in their crazy, hopeless lives…”
“What if a rapper does not appreciate the piano music?”
“Then the rapper was not hard enough.”
“What is this?”
“Our author just tested his soothing piano music on a site that features hip hop artists and rap music, and beats for those genres. See it? His piano piece, out of nearly 2 million beats, hip hop songs, and raps, is #1. Top of the charts.”
“So what does that signify?”
“On that site? Nothing, really. A few hundred views will normally get you to the top of the charts. It did serve a purpose, however…”
“Exposure. At least a few hip hop, rap, and beat artists will have seen at least the concept, thereby warming up to it.”
“So if our author ever does pursue such a ‘product’ through conventional channels such as record companies, then some of the intended audience will have been primed for it already…”
“That is the idea, yes.”
“Top of the charts, even on a tiny site… not bad… and it bodes well, not just for our author’s music, but for humanity itself…”