Story: The Day I Made America Surrender

Mr. Numi Who~
9 min readMay 10, 2018



It was not a fine day for humanity. It was a miserable day. I say this even though Americans had become thoroughly depraved, debauched, and miserable themselves… and they, along with the rest of humanity, were still universally clueless… hmmm… so maybe it wouldn’t have been such a bad day — if I were not behaving so unenlightened myself — out-depraving, out-debauching, and out-misery-ing Americans in every possible way (which is how I conquered them, just to note).

So… what was the first thing I did? I made their military stand-down, then I took all of their weapons, small, then large, then larger, and then the largest. What an arsenal I now possessed!

Now that the general population, and the ex-military, had no means of changing their minds and resisting without being slaughtered, I went to Fort Knox and their other gold reserves and, one brick at a time, I took all of their gold, just to impress all of the other unenlightened nations (and all other nations were, to the last, still unenlightened). What a pile of gold! I almost took everyone’s tooth fillings and brooches, but the administrative requirements were too bothersome.

Next came the laws. What a mountain of laws I contrived! All repressive, of course, so the population would not be able to organize or rise up to free themselves, or to regain their human dignity (which would not do, not in any sane way, that is — more on that later). In effect, my main propaganda tactic was promising a common Utopia — the one where everyone was equal — which worked on the more larcenous of their population, which was around 52%, and who controlled most of the major media. So they willingly became my slaves with the help of said media (which is run by people who are spineless when it really counts). As for making them slaves, it was really the only way everyone could ‘become equal’, so I did not break my promise, technically speaking… and, like a Spartan said in the days of old, “We worked our slaves hard, like they were the lowest beasts of burden”, and all for my foreign glory and flag, of course. You see, without enlightenment, as is provided by Numi Who’s Philosophy of Universal Survival (for the Space Age, no less), humanity remained universally clueless, and they were thus much easier to manipulate: I merely had to play to their petty vanities and envies, their jealousies and hates, their blind prejudices and xenophobias, and to their depraved tendencies and larcenous mindsets (both of which were the reigning popular mental fashions), all of which would not have existed if everyone had adopted Numi’s new Philosophy of Universal Survival, which, for the first time in human history, provides enlightened answers to all moral questions. Their obstinant attitudes left them open to becoming my useful, and some, cheerful (whom I would publicly plaudit) slaves. The ‘Space Age’? Forget it! That is just a pipe dream now — I’ve seen to that — how else could I secure my glory but to have all of humanity at my feet — and I had to drag them — first down to, and then below, my level (which was quite low) — all except the primitive tyrant extremists who served as my conformity-enforcing thugs (and who I had thinking that it was their glory that they were achieving — though I was smart enough to hold the best weapons — all the smallest as well as the large and the larger and largest, unless the mindless brutes, by chance, gain the upper hand).

Next came the population raping. I created bureaucracies where I could place the ‘best and the brightest’, whom I attracted by playing to their vanity and depraved social goals of one-upmanship. These choice bureaucratic positions kept my Machine running — i.e. a well-oiled bureaucratic Machine operating on all gears, and it kept the essential people happy, which created a ‘culture’ of stratified depravity, so to speak. Everyone was ‘equal’ except those raised up to my bureaucratic positions, who enjoyed all sorts of petty, and ostentatious (their favorite kind of) privileges. Men did it for their personal glory, females did it for security. Their unsaid motto: “Play the Game or Suffer”. It has always been their mantra, so it was a no-brainer for them, and for me.

Once my new repressive bureaucracy was up and running, I could sit back and enjoy my spoils, since I created a hands-off ‘self-repressing’ bureaucracy, using a portion of their own debauched population, enjoying the perks I gave them, to suppress the rest, who, they could plainly see, had no perks, but who were still all equal, which ironically (I’ll never understand it) became a source of pride with them.

Did I become bored enjoying my spoils? No! I managed to keep myself busy fine-tuning my Machine and conjuring up new projects.

My next ‘project’ was to address their education system. Out with reality — I had no use for the truth. In with “Glory to the New State and its All-Wise Leader” (which just happened to be me). I basically erased history and replaced it with one that I personally (and self-servingly — can you blame me?) wrote, where I was the Master of the Master Race, the Great Benefactor who brought equality to the masses. The Master Race itself was the benevolent maintainer of that equality, severely punishing anyone stepping out of line. To give my new slaves hope (people cannot exist without hope), I occasionally elevated people from the local population who came closest to being a part of the Master Race (i.e. being the most subservient) to becoming an actual Master Race Member. To encourage this mindset, I would, and with great ceremony, ‘elevate’ one of the local denizens, picking someone from my bureaucratic apparatus, of course, who would then, with great fanfare, become a part of my Master Race. This gave hope and dreams to the entire population, who then spent their lives fantasizing that they too would one day become a part of the Master Race. A fine life-goal, if I do say so myself… it made for great TV stories…

With this new education curriculum, which the meek-of-heart wholeheartedly (such as it was) embraced and taught, I even took care of the ‘subsequent generation’ problem, manipulating their still-malleable collective mindset to fall in line with my rule.

Next, I decreed that all items of vanity were evil. I conducted many ‘Neo Bonfires of the Vanities’. As for those items that were too impractical to burn, my bureaucracy selflessly stepped in to aid the masses newly-freed from their vanities, and whose equality was thus saved (by me and my Master Race). This measure got me what I really wanted — all the ‘good stuff’ that the population still had, and it served a secondary purpose — no one among the ‘equal’ masses had any ‘good stuff’ to strut around with, meaning with which to imagine that they were somehow better than the rest of the Equals — it would not do for anyone’s ego to bloat — there was room for only one ego in such a land, and that was the Ruler’s (whom, I humbly submit, was me).

In fact, over time, the ENTIRE population gained their OWN self-esteem through MY glory. This, to my satisfaction, only ‘fed the beast’ (my glory). The Russians know this all too well, first with Stalin, and now with Putin. I would deride their sorry asses, telling them, “You are so worthless as individuals that you are reduced to gaining your personal self-esteem through your rotten leaders — you made that mistake with Stalin, and now you are doing it all over again with Putin!” They, of course, did not (or would not) (or could not) listen, which is why that tactic was still available to me in my newly-downtrodden America…

So here I sit, at the top of the heap, the pinnacle of humanity (such as it is), with everything and everyone at my command and all spotlights and plaudits (or else) on me. What do I do next? I will seek-out further conquests, of course, until every corner of the earth is under my thumb, just like the Kings of Old, who were advised (by the wisest of advisors) that if they did not constantly conquer their neighbors and distant lands (and this mindset goes right up into recent past European history — read it), they were not worthy of being kings. The ancient Israelis are an exceptional example, who at one time had a Democracy of sorts, but who nevertheless clamored for a king, “so they could be just like everyone else!” (really it was so they would have a rotton leader through whom the could experience personal glory, meaning they could then raise their superior (through their glorious like-blooded king) noses up at everyone else) (especially the uncouth Philistines). True, it was folly, but it is not my business to keep people from their folly, especially when I am that prospective king…

Do I have enlightenment at my fingertips? Yes — I did not destroy Numi Who’s Philosophy of Universal Survival (for the Space Age, no less)… the humanity of the future will need it — after I am dead and gone, of course — no need for any enlightened interference with my oppressive rule in my lifetime. In the meantime, I will operate on the premise that humanity just wasn’t ready for enlightenment, and those enlightened beings in the future will sympathize with me, and agree… after all, I did preserve enlightenment for the future (an enlightenment only made legal and available after I was dead and gone, of course). So I enjoyed my ill-gained debaucheries to the fullest to my very last moment (for what else is a King to do in this day and age? I had no choice, I was innocent in that regard, you see — it was my ‘duty’ as king to enjoy such pleasures of life — fools (the entire human race) would not respect me if I didn’t; and besides, such pleasures would go to waste if I did not indulge them, and if not me, who? No one else was worthy, you see)…

I also solved crime — there was none. A police state helped, as did a secret police, who had no reservations for administering street justice, which, as I can imagine, is supremely satisfying. Their work eased when people began ‘informing’ on one another — more for personal vendettas than for reporting a lack of enthusiasm for ‘equality’, I will grant, but the effect was the same — a population that self-induced a useful miserable oppressive paranoia — for paranoia squelches ambition and initiative, neither of which would do as long as I ruled. The upside? Depravity disappeared, so there was no abuse of my systems or bureaucracies (I would not tolerate it, so the credit, I suppose, is mine). My argument? That this was the only way humanity could ever achieve enlightenment, a future time when every person would be free and independent, and enlightened, meaning they would freely and independently choose (since they were enlightened) to consciously (since they were higher consciousnesses) contributed to ever-broadening the security of higher consciousness (and the rest of lower life) in a harsh and deadly universe, which, if you are reading this in my time, you know that such an enlightened mindset is NOT the norm, or has even been conceived of yet (enter Numi, but don’t tell anyone). So in the back of the people’s minds, I WAS doing what was right, though they really did not know exactly how or why or what it was, which was understandable — their chosen mindframes being so wishy-washy and hazy (rhymes with ‘lazy’) in the first place courtesy of long, long traditions, long before I arrived. So I led them on, even when the loftiest of actual reasons remained hazy in their minds, and leading them on like that was easy, due to their unenlightenment (meaning being mired in a subjective haze — and you can blame philosophers, who failed them). I submit to you here that I tried to make Numi’s philosophy clear, but they would have none of it…

For future people being born into my world, I would simply give them this advise: that this is the universe that they were born into, so deal with it… they of course could not, because they could not rise above being equal, unless they served my bureaucracy.

I tried uniforms, but that was too expensive, so I settled on the same drab clothes for the ‘Equals’, a term, and a demography, that I propagandized as holding the highest of personal integrity (though it is not to my personal taste, I truly admit). I even made it a fashion, and you know how herd animals love fashions, and, since all people wanted to be equal, such new fashions spread like wildfire.

Thus I enjoyed my depraved reign, and then I died, a very, very old man, happy in my debauchery to the last. After that, I do not know what happened. Hopefully humanity would find the enlightenment that I left them, and truly save itself, and begin to pull itself up by its own bootstraps again… and have the courage to start consciously addressing broader survival (which affects individual survival from a broader plane, which I need to note in case your mindset is still at a tunnel-visioned selfish animal level) once and for all…


So, as far as my chapter in history is concerned…









Copyright 2018 by Wayne P. Biro
aka Numi Who
All Rights Reserved by Wayne P. Biro





Mr. Numi Who~

Electronics technician. Writing Style: Unschooled. Philosophy: Humanity has a serious problem. Read the Philosophy for Broader Survival, which addresses it.